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Mauro's Kitchen
Mauro's Kitchen

To Make the Perfect

Follow the Instructions

Instructions is per base – just multiply to make more

  • Your oven and metal oven tray/pizza stone must be pre-heated to about 230 degrees Celsius. The oven must have both the top and bottom elements on.
  • Put 100 grams of Original Dry Dough into your mixing bowl and add
  • 60 ml of warm water (about 37 degrees) and mix with the handle of a wooden spoon or similar object until the dough is sticky.
  • The right consistency is sticky, so please do not add more water or flour once you reach that consistency.
  • Put a little bit of oil on your hands. Now remove the mixed dough from your mixing bowl and work it into a smooth ball.
  • Now place the dough in a sealable container, at least 3 times
  • the size of the dough for 2 hours, this is to allow it to proof (rise). You can also use cling wrap to seal it if you do not have a sealable container.
  • Lightly flour your hands before removing your dough from the container.
  • Be gentle to ensure you do not knock the air out of your dough.
  • Place the dough on a smooth surface/kitchen counter that has been sprinkled lightly with flour. Press and stretch the dough outwards from the middle of the ball with your hands.
  • Stretch it, flatten the middle, and shape it until your base is
  • 25-30cm in diameter (this is for a thin base)
  • Make sure the edges are about 3 times thicker than the middle of the base, this is to ensure the whole base bakes uniformly. (Expanding hot air will push heat from the edges to the middle)
  • Make sure there is only a little bit of flour on the bottom of your base
  • (dry flour burns easier and you do not want that to happen)
  • Put your base on your pre-heated oven tray or pizza stone and pre-bake for 2 – 3 minutes. You will see blisters form in the middle as the heat works its way to the center.
  • Remove the base from your oven and add your Tomato Sauce and other preferred toppings before baking it in your oven for another 10 minutes until crispy. When topping a Pizza, remember “Less is Best”
  • You can always bake it for a minute less or more depending on how light, fluffy and crispy you want your Pizza.

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